I continue on my journey to lose weight, though I confess it is not by exercise, well some at least.
My medication has been a significant contributor to the drop in weight, it's given be a case of Saint Vitus's Dance, which means my legs are constantly on the move - who needs those expensive exercise machines that stimulate the muscles. The other effect is a lose of appetite, I go out, the wife asks me what I want, I pass. We go grocery shopping, she asks what do you feel like getting, I can't make my mind up, I pass. So I'm not eating a lot, but I am still eating one meal a day - typical minimum three vegetables and some form of meat or poultry. No sweets generally - though perhaps on the odd occasion when BSL too low.
Starting Weight: 231.49lb
Previous Weeks Weight: 218.26lb
This Weeks Weight: 216.05lb
Total weight lost: 15.44lb
Percentage: 6.7
Good job! That's really great. Keep it up as long as it feels like it's not torture :-)