The Fabricated Tales
of Alpha Capharius
Part Five
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Renegade Astartes - unknown - affiliation Slaanesh Imperial Records - purged. |
+++Personal Encrypted Journal+++
frivolous entity S.I.M.O.N toyed with the lives of many of those that came to
be my associates over the millennia of my existence. Even at the writing of this entry I am unsure
how long I have been alive, and even if alive is the correct word to use. The cursed ship continues to play havoc on
the mental states of all concerned and in this instance it appeared that
S.I.M.O.N. coerced me into affecting the fate of Elsie, and while this is in
itself an entertaining and oft times appealing notion, I do no harm… okay there
was that one time with the Triterian transgender cucumber, a gerbil and two
hundred developing daffodils, but honestly he did plaster himself in honey at
the time – oh no… wait, I had just shot a giant honey laden bee, which covered
him in honey… I think you can follow the train of thought from there. Trust me, it was never intentional… just
unfortunately opportune at the time.
Back to the story – that evil entity had summoned me by some daemonic
means to its lair, actually it was rather nice as lairs go and I have seen a
fair few in my long life, a penchant for shrubberies and ornamental Ni’s – but
I digress. “You must choose a number
between 98 and 98,” it rumbled in a rather squeaky falsetto voice. Rather surprised at this, for such a scrofulous
warp entity, you think it could have had a more imposing voice (it later told
me, as we had high tea with the Emperor of Mankind, it was last in line when
the voices were being handed out at the god academy and that was it). I questioned the choice as being no choice at
all, in which I got the infamous and deadly raised Vetinarii eyebrow look. “Too bad, I’m glad you liked the number, did
you also like the other number, 24! It
is exactly the reverse of 42, which you will know is the meaning of life the
universe and everything…” Before I could do much else in the way of debating
with this entity I was back in what passes for the real world. My many companions often tell me that I never
operate in the real world at any point in time, so this may very well be a moot
point. Warplings, who needs them –
apparently they bloody well need us?
Encrypted Journal+++
The smoke from the explosion (see previous entry) had begun to clear (finally it had only been 14 days in the
dissipating). Reality, or what
passes for it by my standards was returning.
People were strewn about the place, slowly picking themselves up and
taking stock of what had happened. It
was then I discovered that Lady B was missing.
“Lady B is missing!” I exclaimed, first in dismay, then in disbelief,
then in joy, finally ending in rapture.
For some reason no one else seemed to be as enchanted as I in this plain
and simple fact that a mutant had gone and met it’s maker as the Emperor
intended (not that I believe in him as a
god, but as in his intent to cleanse the gene stock of chaos mutants). Elsie had fainted at the traumatic news that
his beloved mistress and newly found love had been vaporized. I choose this point in time as an opportune one
to send Elsie “Sticky Fingers” back to Wolf of Iron/Francine/Killian (whimpers and gives up – just kidding, new
personality provides massive electrical power surge of shock).
To speed up
reading the entry Wolf of Iron/Francine/Killian (whimpers and gives up – just
kidding, new personality provides massive electrical power surge of shock) it
will now just be note as WOE. Francine
liked this abbreviation in the end for all the written records, and only the
records – when communicating it was always to be Francine. WOE is taken for granted for what Alpharius
copped in electrical feedback each time he merged with their personalities in
the records. It is believed that
Apharius was immune in the end to these electrical discharges, his companions
whispered that it was some form of sexual act between the pair(s) – especially
when WOE took up her mobile form.
Readers Note+++
As I deposited Elsie back in WOE
(hmm, safe so far) I relieved him of
certain items he would not miss, particularly the ones pertaining to my
livelihood and welfare. I’m sure EMMA
will tell him in time what is missing, but the waste cycling system on this
ship will have destroyed it all by the time he becomes even aware of the
situation. EMMA at the time was more
interesting in sucking to the arse of her comatose “master” to take too much
notice, though certainly enough time to not allow me to stuff it were the sun
shineth not in Elsie sadly. While
placing Elsie in as uncomfortable a position as possible to recover I was
startled by the awakening of Fabio. His
blood curdling woman-like scream almost made me drop the circumcision knife I
was holding over Elsie, it did stop my actions and direct my attention to Fabio
– but not in a sinister way, no never.
Fabio was still raving, as he was
coming out of his delirium. He mentioned
pink underwear, lace garments, a third eye, and new masters – a very troubled
mind. He did drool a lot I noticed, more than usual, but a quick application of
Elsie noggin and he was as good as new, Fabio even enjoyed it, EMMA
didn’t. Fabio once appraised on the
chance to obtain booty (he didn’t grasp the fact I meant loot) grabbed his
equipment, exposed some hairy chest (why he does this perplexes me) – struck
what he thought was an heroic pose but looked more like a limp wristed duck
mating handshake and demanded I direct him to the rest of the group. I smiled, tripped him up as he left the
hatchway, apologized and lead him to Reximus.
Reximus upon seeing Fabio gave
him such a look that Fabio appeared to have grown an additional bulge in the
rear of his trousers either that or he had just vacated his bowels. I was correct in assuming he vacated his
bowels in terror at some mental communication that Reximus directed at him, as
Fabio went white (and not from the cold), which is almost impossible for a blue
skinned beast, but he somehow managed to do it.
Reximus just passed his doom on Fabio with a drop in temperature in the
area and these simple words “I see you for what you are.” The temperature drop we now associate (though
I know of this phenomenon) with psychic powers, though the primitives call it
witchcraft and magic. Fabio’s cocksure
nature seems somewhat deflated now.
While the group has now been
stabilized the loss of Lady B is yet to be resolved. Horst examined the ceiling to see if she may
have perhaps have been hurled through there – not to my luck, not a big enough
smear or impact crater. There is no
evidence of small body parts of her littered around to show that she had been
dismembered in the explosion – curses, foiled again. I am fast coming to the conclusion that if
she was not destroyed in total (please let that be the outcome), then she is
most likely a daemon and has at last shown her true colours and vanished into
the warp or used some warp power to escape her destruction (further proof of
her diabolist nature). Fabio discovered
that a room nearby has a working system terminal and I am reluctantly persuaded
(lynch mobs are like that) to operate it in the hope that I may be of some use
in finding Lady B. My protestations that
she’s a daemon and gone back to the warp don’t seem to be believed – yet! Yes I, with the intellect of the ancients am
set to the mundane task of data retrieval. Sigh… this will take some time and I
advise my companions that it will be a while and that they should find
themselves something to do to amuse themselves, I suggested drawing amusing
genital symbols on comatose Elsie…
Encrypted Journal+++
I was later
to discover while having the joy of interrogating Lady B on a dissection table
many… many years from now, that she could hear everything that was being said
by all of us at the time, she just chose not to communicate. Her reasoning – the daemon told her not to…
the damned always say that!
Encrypted Journal+++
Horst went about examining the
corridors and chambers that had been opened up by the missile barrages from WOE
(sigh of pleasure) [Editors
note: Hang on I thought we had agreed not to do this anymore?] Found
that some of the doors had been security locked - I was unavailable thank
goodness. While Horst had a shiny new
meltagun, he was reluctant to use the limited fuel to open up the rooms that in
all honesty may contain nothing. Reximus
deployed some plasma grenades to destroy the corpses used in heinous rituals to
create several daemons we encountered, whereupon there was a lively one sided
debate between Horst and Reximus over whose refusal or wastage of resources was
being questioned?
Fabio had found himself an exciting
new corridor to go and explore, one that contained lots of lights, which
appeared to be deactivated. The room which Horst found himself in was once a
corridor to the area or corridor that Fabio had now entered. Security sensors activated and alarms sounds,
mayhem ensued with gusto. I am far too
happy searching for internet porn while attempting to find if Lady B is still
somewhere on the or in the immediate area than to be aware of the calamity
occurring amongst the other members of my group. Fabio had attempted to enter a restricted
area, which promptly issued a “unknown
entity, admittance denied, termination imminent unless authorized.” Horst was fighting his own problems with the
security devices activated by Fabio’s activity, however Horst was more adroit
at dealing with these matters and plugged the holes in the security net with
several holes of his own – namely some Dark Matter ones. The holes he created seemed to nicely fill
the holes in the security net.
With the immediate danger averted,
I finally locate Lady B at the time she decides to let everyone know she can
communicate with everyone concerned.
Reximus is rather peeved with Fabio and gives him a direct order - yes
this is the first time I have actually seen Reximus give to anyone in our group
anything but suggestions, but this time it was a direct order, along with what
I knew was a psychic imperative (there being that drop in temperature – and you
guessed it no one picked up on it but me!).
Fabio is directed to not go anywhere unless directed to do so, he was to
follow Horst and obey his instructions (of
course Fabio never did this, and ultimately this led to his rather untimely
execution, but that’s another story for another day). The fact that Fabio failed to obey these
directives time and time again, proved that his warp tainted heritage was all
the more reason Reximus had him under his watchful gaze. Perhaps
it was the gaze of that third eyed nipple winking back that was doing the
watching…. Horrible damn thing.
Lady B meanwhile (by her own
admonition) was developing psychic abilities that were worrisome and certainly
not human in nature, if you can call psychic potential a human trait. She had summoned up the code to open the door
allowing her access to the main area that the group was in, and that she had
previously been exploring. Not once did
she use this ability to our knowledge or benefit ever afterwards… My suspicions
of this being continue to grow, the armour she wears is clearly xenos in nature
and while I cannot recall the full data files at present references link it to
the race known as the Eldar. Her
corruption is clearly going to be an issue to be monitored, though Reximus is
aware of this and has communicated the like to me. “All is as is expected Alpharius,” he would
say to me “the viper will strike me down and I will rise. You will be the only loyal one to stand with
me, as is expected. I will have to
belittle you in front of the others, but fear not, you are favoured. Remember that, you and Horst have a part to
play that will outlive the others.”
Encrypted Journal+++
I would only
remember this many years later at the Battle of Raven’s Hair Ridge when Horst
and I led forces against the warp touched armies of our one time compatriot
Elsie. Corruption is everywhere, taking
mutants from a warp touched planet was a mistake to start with.
Encrypted Journal+++
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Renegade Astartes - unknown - affiliation Nurgle Imperial Records - purged. |
After the band was put back together, all except
Elsie, who by my knowledge was being thoroughly probed by EMMA, according to
WOE (sigh of pleasure) ) [Editors note: I give up! I clearly have no control over the content of
my own written construct, just who is writing this? – REXIMUS WAS HERE] Horst wanted to know,
human curiosity really is what gets it into trouble, what was behind locked
doors 1 to 3. Reximus really didn’t want
to look and said so, thinking it best to leave it locked, but Horst did
insist. I was busy in the terminal room,
setting up system identifications for the mutants that somehow failed the first
time. Clearly some fool put in the wrong
clearance parameters when the personnel files were created, honestly it was a
rookie mistake, the idiot should have been taken out and whipped… for… such… a-
oh, um, never mind it was all Elsie’s fault, no better still EMMA screwed the
system! Yes that’s why it all went out
the window the bloody squirrel distracted me while I was setting everything up,
after all even S.I.M.O.N. can be distracted and make mistakes in remembering
things… right…. Umm, hint, hint!! My
being in the terminal room proved to be a very good positioning place as it
gave me a head start as the party fled the impending doom caused by the simple
detonation of some plasma grenades…
The security locked doors were opened by Reximus,
at the insistence of Horst – note made in log by authority of Reximus, yes he’s
throwing his might around now. Horst and
the looters see that there are lots of dismembered corpses and that they were
clearly ones used for the rituals associated with the daemons we have
encountered. The nature of the
corruption in evidence has a disturbing effect on all present, it even affects
me through the visual link (I really must do something about placing a code
lock in my core to shut that feed if such things are seen). It’s then that things go horribly wrong;
Fabio realizes that not having a helmet can be detrimental to breathing and
gags. Grenades are tossed to cleanse the
area, which appears to do the trick – at first.
Well it did the trick all right, it brought the warp trap to life and
summoned something far worse than we had so far encountered from the warp. The fact that Reximus uttered the words “Oh
CRAP!!!!” and bolted for the relative safety of WOE (sigh of pleasure) and where he could bring his greater arsenal of
weaponry to bear. “A greater daemon is
coming, prepare for the worse; the malignancy is more than I have ever faced
The combat is one of the earliest encounters with
what I came to know as daemon princes.
This one was most definitely feminine in appearance and demeanor and was
most catlike in nature. The daemon was
languid in its need to slay and play with us, it did not seem to have a rush to
end the pleasure it saw in and the the pain it would inflict and possibly
receive in this engagement. What worried
Reximus, Horst and me more was the fact the primitives knew this creature and
it knew them - the Imperium of Man
protect us, they now consorted with these powers of a greater nature, how
more damning was the proof. I had
retreated to the safety of WOE (ecstasy)
and prepared myself with the others to shot the creature back into the
warp. In the opening salvo I managed to inflict a
respectable wound on the thing, it was pleasing to note that as the things
absorbed damage from the other gun toting bunnies, my damage never healed where
theirs did. Clearly miracles, accurate
marksmanship or just dumb luck – either that or it was just S.I.M.O.N. playing
with me, I’ll never know. At the
critical moment where I and the other awaited WOE’s (ecstasy – withheld in shame) salvo, it admitted it could not
acquire a target lock. I then had to
link to WOE (ecstasy enhanced) to
provide targeting solutions and fire parameters, it was then I was informed of
the other critical issue… ammunition, or lack thereof. The launchers had less than ten rounds left…
In another dimension S.I.M.O.N. was
chortling away… twice it had interfered in the life of Alpharius in quick
succession, it was pleasing to see that the look on his face when first his
beloved WOE (sigh of pleasure) blew up, detonating the black hole grenades and
destroying the system, several times.
Then there was his belief that it would not happen again, and it did…
life was good for an interdimensional manifestation!
Fabio had become entranced to a certain degree by
the daemon, so much so he had to unbutton his shirt, exposing to the sharp eyed
amongst us his third eyed nipple. The
fact that it winked at me was more disconcerting than off-putting. Fabio was now showing proof of his
corruption, clear and positive proof that the denizens of the planet were warp
touched. However being touched by the
warp and the mutation he bore was the very least of the worries now. Horst started the frenzy of throwing stasis
grenades, I had never seen so many of these rare items set off in such a
confined area. It was his belief that he could slow the entity down enough that
the team would be able to saturate the area with enough ordnance that it would
not be able to use it enhanced agility to escape the damage. I had an inkling that a creature of the warp
was not adversely as affected by these devices as mundane are from the real
world, so when the daemon started to move inside the stasis field, it did not
surprise me or Reximus. The others however
did not believe their eyes and decided that throwing more stasis grenades would
slow it down even more. Reximus, had
fallen comatose during the initial combat and while everyone else had thought
he was unconscious, he was in truth combating the daemon on another plane of
existence. “Alpharius,” he imparted “our
link is still active though I appear inactive.
I must now play the fool to play the viper – as always; be prepared to
play you part.”
The daemon fought on, the damage it received would
have killed several of it lesser kin but it just smiled. Its speed was mind numbing, literally unable
to be tracked unless exceptionally lucky on the part of the individual. Shots were scored, but in the end, little was
achieved. It escaped the stasis,
dragging Fabio with it, its tongue wrapping several times around his neck
before giving him a licking he clearly didn’t object to. The truly sane were appalled by this, it was
then that Elsie woke. WOE (ecstasy) immediately advised me of this
calamity and I was then more worried than ever about how the outcome could change
the fate of the battle? More stasis
grenades were thrown, blocking all access to Fabio, allowing the tender loving
caress of the daemon to continue to be plied on his nonresistant body and mind. His screams which the primitives claimed were
terror, my recordings when played back clearly showed as audio and visuals of ecstasy,
my concern rose as to what was to be in our future. Slowly the stasis grenades dissipated,
Reximus woke and threw more grenades, opening up further potential rooms to
explore and allow access to the entity.
It was with this occurrence that the daemon gave a lust filled farewell
to all and cut itself a rift through the veil up into the ceiling and to
elsewhere in the ship…
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Renegade Astartes - unknown - affiliation Tzeentch Imperial Records - purged. |
I played my part.
I questioned Reximus and his lack of clear tactical guidance and thought
in this battle. I received an electrical
surge and a look disdain for questioning his actions, the others bought it –
for now at least. Lady B and Fabio
surprise us by saying they sense the daemon making its way to the outer hull of
the ship. Why are they damning
themselves further with their warp dabbling and taint I cannot quite fathom,
perhaps their intent is to throw the groups attention back on the daemon rather
than on themselves. However with the
immediate threat removed and Elsie back in the saddle, it was time to 4X, which
sadly led to Horst being targeted and shot by the vermin control systems. Horst did make quick work of disabling the
offensive system. With my extreme
dislike of crates I decided that I needed to return to the terminal room and
examine the system protocols for any corruption. Examination of the crates found a heavy
bolter, and a weird floating disc which fascinated and taunted the group for
quite some time. As we were distracted
the viper struck - unknown to the majority of the group Lady B had detained
Reximus at blade point.
Lady B shouted a warning, a directive that was
garbled at best but was of such urgency that it made the members rush to the
spot where she held Reximus at sword point.
Blood trickled from the blade point that had pierced his throat and was
evident to all to see. I was not pleased
with the action and took myself away from the immediate group, preparing to go
for my sidearm and shoot Lady B should she do the unthinkable. Lady B then
burbled out much nonsense about Reximus not being the person he claimed to be,
that he was the same nature as the daemon which they fought. Proof was demanded, sides were being declared
and then things out of control. “I am
disappointed in all of you, except for Lady B, you at least question.” Lady B then lost it and plunged her blade
into Reximus’ throat, just as he grabbed the blade. I fired my pistol, but it failed to fire, as
fate decreed. Reximus bleed from his
wounds, but he did not bleed out, or die from the wound which Lady B
dealt. I was the only one who stood firm
in his loyalty to Reximus, as was my part to play, not that it was an act. However the viper had been drawn out, the
doubters had been flushed and tests were still to be conducted as to the
suitability of some. The viper had
failed. The adage, keep your friends close but your enemies closer has never
been truer. Reximus explains that what
others have seen as inactivity has been his war against the warp and the
daemons. With reason and logic he starts
to sway the group to understand the truth of his nature, which appears to stop
the rot of doubt and indecision.
“Alpharius, I fear that it will require more sacrifice before I can sort
the wheat from the chaff, be patient” was his silent missive to me.
“I shall show you Lady B how to remove the taint
which you see.” He then took Elsie’s spear, and with a gesture imobilised
Fabio. “I’m fairly sure this won’t hurt,
much…” and with that he stabbed Fabio
with the spear, with each cut a piece of the taint dissipated before the eyes
of those who could see such things. I
could not see these things myself but the link with Reximus allowed me to see these
matters in detail along with further instructions from him. “Lady B you will notice that I can adjust my
“threat” level to the powers of the warp by appearing more like them, here I
will demonstrate.” Reximus then for the benefit of those who could see, changed
his “corruption” taint to a higher perception, then to nil. “By doing this I
can hide amongst whomever I wish, here on this tainted ship I wish to remain as
“invisible” as possible, you are merely registering me as a daemon, but you
have no understanding of the warp or its nature. You are a child who looks into the night sky
and asks its parent why it cannot pluck a star from the heavens.”
Reximus continued to work on Fabio while this
conversation occured, carving a new “tattoo” into his chest “Alpha my lad,” he
mused over our link, “you will notice that I am unable to excise the mutant’s
nipple eye. This is the first sign of
damnation in the body and soul of those who are weak, I have carved a sigil of
binding that should contain its spread, but the warp works in ways that don’t
always operate to any regimented rules, think of them more as a set of
guidelines.” He chuckled to himself as
if remembering this as some witty line or reference from the past? Were the ungrateful members of my group
charitable in accepting that Reximus was innocent of their doubts? Nope, not in
the least. They doubted still, Horst was
still unable to make his mind up (it was later determined in my interrogation
of Lady B that she admitted she had influenced many members of the group – and many
others over time, sad but true, she had already fallen under the taint of the
warp…) Reximus was unmoved by these matters, he knew that his agenda
would proceed as planned and that his servants were true and loyal.
With matters finally resolved to a simmering stew
of distrust, and with the assurance from Reximus Remorus Romulus Remus (to be
honest I ignored all the fancy additional names he threw out there, he only did
it to confuse everyone) agreeing to participate more in assisting the group, they
went back to 4X. Horst finally found a crate
containing a Jokaero feline cybercat much to his pleasure, then dissappointment.
“That is Feline Espionage infiLtrator Intelligence eXplorator or FELIX for short.
It is another of my cyber agents Alpharius, consider it a gift for the
loyalty you have shown by pulling the gun on Lady B. Besides it’s a cat and it tends to choose it
masters, for some reason it likes you a lot.
Must have something to do with the fact EMMA hates you with a passion,
hardly surprising, she detests me as well.” EMMA and FELIX hiss and squeak insults at each
other for several minutes before Reximus silences them with a stern command.
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Imperial Guard Inquisitorial Cleanse Team |
I was hurt with the display of jealousy that
flashed over Horsts face when FELIX chose me as its companion – I will have to
find some way to make reparations to him without him knowing what has
happened. I’m sure there will be an
opportunity coming in the very near future that will provide me an opportunity
to do so… (Reximus psychically flashed an image of a flying serpent into my
cortical senses…) The looting
continued and more items were added to the expanding inventory; more Dark
Matter Rifles and ammunition, targeters and a heavy Dark Matter gun which was fed
by a pack back generator. The cream on
the cake was the discovery of a robot, which to my joy EMMA could not activate
or interfere with! There was plenty of
ammunition, weapon loads and fuel. The
gem of an idea I had was starting to germinate and I contacted WOE (sigh of pleasure) and received an
extremely empathic response of YES! With that answer I summoned CRAPpER-ONE and
had the robot and supplies returned to WOE (ecstacy)
note: right is this now becoming some sort of erotic liaison? Is there going to
have to be a 1 millisecond partitioning of records to allow you two to have your
titillations of delight behind a partitioned sector of code?]
Sensing a need to complete this area, and with
advice from Reximus that there were only two more books to be found in the
location we took off at speed to complete the search of the area. Area XF-97G was the one we choose and it had
six corrupted servitors guarding the location, Horsts first reaction was to
close the door immediately. We then
started to take up firing positions waiting to see if the servitors would come
through and engage us.
Fabio. Fabio the fool. Fabio the… I will not follow
orders - decided to open a new door and got surprised by a robot! Thankfully the link activated in time and to
my greatest of delights found that WOE (ecstasy)
had a new robotic humanoid body. Its
first action was to crush me in a joyous hug and emulate a kiss action, which
it informed me it had seen and had wanted to emulate with me since
bonding. I was touched and honoured and
communicated my pleasure that it was happy with its achievements. We were going to work on many things together
as we developed its skill set; I asked if WOE (ecstasy) was prepared to try out combat. YES! Was the empathic and unrestrained response
and I almost could not restrain it as we advanced down the corridor to open the
door and engage the hostiles. WOE (ecstasy) asked me what rate of fire was
suitable - single, burst or sustained area affect: in which she imparted all
the specifications of the weapon damages and profiles. I decided to start of slow and steady and
suggested a single shot to test the weapon, will I guess it was a
suggestion. Upon opening the room and
before anyone could register more than the room profile, WOE (ecstasy) had discharged its weapon on
maximum setting, vaporizing three servitors and two sections of wall. “Sorry, I could not help but try the highest
setting first lover,” was the tantalizing voice I heard.
Combat ensued and gunfire erupted in all
directions. I toke some minor damage but
not enough to seriously stop my efficiency.
I had, as had most of the group temporarily forgotten about Fabio. Fabio had grabbed me from behind, overcoming
my strength and dragged me into the room in which he had been looting. WOE (ecstasy)
reacted badly at this and started to position itself to come to my rescue
before it became clear that the idiot (Fabio) thought I was badly wounded and
was administering first aid with the nanotech healing orbs. Fabio’s actions are becoming even more
erratic than those of which they accuse Reximus of. It is while I am in this room, where Fabio
thinks it is safe that a stray shot from the corrupted heavy weapons servitor
blows of the other entry door, finds a critical crate of ammunition and I see
my life flash twice before my eyes….
S.I.M.O.N. chortles to itself, twice in one
day it had played successfully with Alpharius reborn, twice…. It was having
such fun. The look on the flesh bags
face when he had failed twice and twice again, ahhh, it would keep it moist and
wet on many an encounter with Slaanesh…
WOE (ecstasy)
incensed by my close brush with death carved up the remaining mechanicals in
quick succession leaving Lady B in awe at its dexterity and precision,
something that Lady B did not fully appreciate when she saw both WOE (ecstasy) and I perform our dance of
death at the beginning of the combat.
Yet with the combat finished Lady B did nothing but accuse Reximus of
doing nothing throughout the engagement.
Horst again found it difficult to find fault in her argument. I knew better as I was aware through my link
with Reximus that he was in battle with the six malignant warp entities
released by Dark Matter explosion and destruction of the servitor shells. Eventually Reximus painfully explained the
obvious, yet doubt remained. “It is to be expected Alpharius, the viper is
destined to be as she is, a tool, nothing more, remember that in the end when
she is dealt with.”
With the revelation of the shadowy warp shades and
their destruction by Lady B and the others, further exploration began of the
ruined room. The dark matter explosion
had been fairly thorough in destroying anything of value, yet one of the books
was located and neutralized with minimal risk and consequences. Amongst the ruin I found the damaged and
salvageable remains of a Jokaero flying snake (Reximus – see I told you!)
or COUATL (Covert Observation Unit - Attack Terrorise bLight), though where I will find the spare parts…. Hmmm EMMA should
be sufficient in parts to repair this unit if I can find the schematics and a
decent workshop. Reximus looks sad and
tells me he had named it LORNA (fLying
Observer Reconnaissance Navigating
Aerial) Another book is found and neutralized,
Reximus exclaims that it is “a most foul and one to date”, (“Yes Alpharius it contains
a likeness of me as a youth, hideous I tell you hideous.” He smiles at this and
laughs as if remembering something shared a long time ago…) What is found is Reximus’ spare suit of
armour which is gifted after a moment hesitation to Horst “this is just one of
the many favours you are owed Horst, doubt no longer my intentions. Would I allow you to wear this if I even for
a moment doubted your ultimate intentions towards me? No, of course not. While the others are not as trusting as
Alpharius, which is good, you are still skeptical enough to see things in the
grainy light of grey that this world operates for the most part in. This suit will last you until you are
interred in your final suit from which you will never be able to physically
leave – though that is centuries from now.”
Any hurt that I had previously seen in Horst’s eye
had been removed, yes he was and would always be the skeptic, but this gift of
the armour clearly was something beyond anything he would have ever been able
to acquire on his hive world. The wealth
it would have reaped him… “See Alpharius,” Reximus linked to me “even when
gifted such a piece of technology, the man only see the wealth rather than the
tool he has been given. Humanity has
ever been this way, rather than using the tools he has created he has used them
as a means to generate power, wealth and position over others. This allows the warp to find that little
crack in which to enter, to fester and to grow.
You can see all too easily how the mutated primitives are proof of the taint;
they are nothing more than expendable ammunition in the Great War. You need to be wary, the viper has teeth and
will strike you soon, I may not be able to protect you when that happens. However you do have allies…”
![]() |
Captain Horst Gruben |
According to my accessed files of this location I
determined there was one main generator room and what appeared to be a sealed
storage chamber which had been deleted from the main ships records. The room proved to be, strangely enough, safe
of encounters. There was evidence of
claw mark and bent and mangled wall sections – evidence of some powerful entity
having been in the area, though of what sort and what time, past or present it
could not be determined. The standard 4X
procedure was undertaken and some exceptional items were located, though the
majority of the items were mundane pieces of equipment needed for the
maintenance and running of the generators.
The final room contained what Reximus proclaimed as
his personal storage “locker”, he allowed none to enter, despite the extreme
inquisitiveness of all concerned. Of
course my link allowed me to see everything, not that that shed much light on
matters. Reximus was merely checking
seals, contents and the casket on a suspensor field. When the others asked what it was he replied
“why my spare body of course.” To which
everyone was amazed at this, and debated the concept of cloning and body
doubles. “They really are a gullible
crew Alpharius, a spare body indeed,” is what he shared over our link. At some point mention of a mistress came up
and he did make mention of one… and it may appear we may have to make a detour
back to the other ship to collect a certain courtesan. Lady B was of course totally confused by it all;
she could not fathom the subtleties of spies and the art of subterfuge. The courtesan was not the mistress of Lady
B’s ancient ancestor, well yes she was, but she was a plant, an agent of
Reximus, well in fact more likely that of Calista Ironfoot to be precise (Reximus
– lover actually Alpharius) who was in the employ of Reximus. A long trail of deviancy that had only one
agenda, to root our heresy and corruption – well all she got was rooted and put
into stasis – ouch Reximus you didn’t
have to neural whip me that much for that observation, it wasn’t a criticism.
– Speak not ill of those I love Alpharius, as much as I like you and appreciate
your company there may be limits. Bahahahahaha, just joking of course there
aren’t, I just enjoy shocking you as much as WOE (ecstasy) does… hmm that’s
interesting, apparently it even affects my dialogue as well?) Reximus took
a few items, including another warding bag, apparently the one he has must be almost
The greatest find of all, which Reximus allowed me
to keep, was the Jokaero Box. There was
no way I can ever return to Mechanicus now, this device and its contents would
be destroyed or locked away so deep that it would be a lost forever. I would be reduced to my molecular
constituent elements to ensure that there was no chance that any record of what
was seen was recorded or stored in any manner, and then they would be scattered
to the cosmos to ensure oblivion. I have
in my hands the personal gift given to Calista Ironfoot from the Jokaero
homeworld for some great service. My
initial scan of the contents contained on the data slate stun me beyond belief,
here are the schematics, the learning manuals everything needed to create,
teach and possibly expand upon the technology of the past and that of the
Jokaero. Tears are running down my
cheeks, I turned to gaze at Reximus my heart filled with determination and
sadness. Reximus looked at me and nodded
“Alpharius, you are now the next keeper of secrets, use it wisely, keep it safe,
keep it hidden - but more importantly use it for the betterment of humanity,”
was his psychic imperative that was burned into my core. It was permanent, but it had been there from
the beginning, it merely reinforced my sense of self determination and
destiny. I would not fail where so many
others had. To this I added the Inferno
pistol of the ancient Mars pattern. Amongst other affects which clearly belonged
to Ironfoot was the fuel and formulae for a flamer (hand held) projectile that
would affect entities of the warp and those tainted by its touch. I’m wondering if I made a good tonic and
administered it to the primitives if it might do some good on them, will have
to see. Mind you they don’t tend to
accept anything I offer them these days for reasons I cannot fathom?
![]() |
Eldar pirates, pict feed of raiders before reclaiming the fallen and artifacts from human Inquisitorial hands. |
Horst meanwhile had located a Radcleanser, a
particularly unsavory weapon and one which my records later identified the
Death Guard Legion as being favoured users of.
Our scouring of this section is complete. The mission to locate Calista Ironfoot was successful
if negative in the outcome, i.e. dead for ages. Some of the books have been located and neutralized,
more are to be found. Where though are the
other Inquistorial Insertion Teams that have been sent in? This is indeed a huge ship, have then been neutralized
by the hostile elements onboard? More to
Welcome Killian…
System start
up successful.
Would you like
to check systems.
Engines – online.
+++END LOG+++
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